Discipleship through action

Joseph of Arimathea is an unsung hero of the Church who lived out his discipleship with his wealth. Learn his story, and how we’re following in his footstep.

Our Background

Taking action

Arimathea’s founder, Daniel Catone, with his Masters In Catholic theology, recognized the need for Catholic investment screening based on his extensive experience in the financial industry, including leading multiple highly successful investment firms. Arimathea has assembled a team of experienced leaders from various industries, all of whom share a deep commitment to Catholic values.

Meet Arimathea

Our Team

Dan Catone


Role: My responsibility at Arimathea is to provide the strategic direction for the company as well as spiritual leadership. Additionally, I work directly with client; institutions, retail, and professional, evangelizing our mission and helping bring others to St. Joseph of Arimathea, our true CEO.

Background: My professional experience in providing the founding, strategic direction, and operational leadership for a family of investment firms responsible for over $4.5B in assets in combination with deep experience and education in Catholic theology (MA) uniquely position me for leadership at Arimathea.

Favorite saint: St. Thomas the Apostle models bravery and an earthy/grounded faith that serves me well in helping ground theology in the firmness of finance.

Other passions: I am passionate about the family history of our shared humanity born out in archaeology. Specifically, I find the archaeology, religion, sociology, and history of ancient Egypt both fascinating and instructive for our world today.

Clint Nylander

Chief Operating Officer

Role: I oversee all day-to-day operations of Arimathea. I am responsible for managing the logistics associated with running the business and the carrying out of all the company’s essential duties.

Background: I have worked in financial services for 10 years, assisting in the operations of RIAs totaling $4.5 billion dollars. My wide background of RIA operations spans from implementing and managing firm wide information technology and cybersecurity policy to managing over $30 million in revenue and payroll across 75 offices.

Favorite saint: I have a special devotion to both the Blessed Virgin and to Sts. Basil and Gregory.

Other passions: I enjoy spending time with my family outdoors. In my spare time I enjoy weightlifting, running, cycling, and skiing. 

Jimmy Coleman

Chief Growth Officer

Role: I lead the growth and expansion of Arimathea. Not only focused on growth by the numbers; also building strong relationships, connecting with the right partners, and strategizing for long-term success. Jimmy bridges marketing, sales, product development, and partnerships to create sustainable, aligned strategies that drive the business forward. 

Background: Prior to Arimathea, I built a 7-figure lead generation company known for utilizing disruptive, out of the box strategies to generate top of funnel opportunities for hundreds of companies to including Northwestern Mutual, TikTok and Big Ass Fans. I left the company I built over 5 years to apply focus serving Arimathea's mission to infiltrate Catholic portfolios with actual Catholic values. In turn, changing the world me, my wife and my children grow up in.

Favorite saint: St Gemma - Our family is grateful to St Gemma ever since she started appearing to my pregnant wife in vivid dreams and other parts of her day. We had no idea who she was, but she decided to become friends with my wife who is a recent convert to Catholicism. Since then, we've loved learning about her and asking for her prayers over our family.  We also named our beautiful daughter after her!

Other passions: Outside our mission at Arimathea get a lot from running ultra marathons and aspire to become a pro. I have an apostolate called "Adoration Run Club" that combines running with spending time in Eucharistic Adoration. Other than that, I get a lot of enjoyment digging up rocks with my bare hands for my boys then watch them chuck them into a pond proceeded by a primal yell and flexing their muscles.

Dc. Daren Bitter

Vice President-Advisor Relations

Role: Daren is Vice President-Advisor Relations for Arimathea responsible for building our community of dioceses, RIAs, and wealth advisors across the USA.

Background: Daren has been an Assistant Controller for a large, multinational firm; spent decades in professional talent acquisition; and most recently was Director-Advisor Relations for a tax consulting/ALT investments firm which worked only with advisors/RIAs. He earned his Finance degree from the Kelley School of Business-Indiana University as well as his Masters-Pastoral Studies from Loyola University.

Daren received the Sacrament of Holy Orders in January 2011, and currently serves at the largest Catholic parish in the US in Charlotte.  He is also a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and Global Fellow with Catholic Relief Services with a real passion for serving the poor and marginalized. Daren regularly leads mission trips to Haiti as well as lobbying on Capitol Hill for humanitarian aid.

Favorite saint: St. Lawrence, Patron Saint of Deacons, is my patron saint. Ordered by a prefect of Rome to turn over the treasures of the church, he went through the city gathering all the poor and sick supported by the Church, showed them to the prefect and said: "These people are the Church's treasure." Furious, the prefect had St. Lawrence tied on top of an iron grill over a slow fire that roasted him. God gave him such strength and joy that Lawrence joked with the judge saying, "You can turn me over, I am done on this side." Charity, care for the poor, perseverance.

Other passions: Daren is an avid fan of the Carolina Panthers (poor guy!), Indiana University basketball, and the St. Cardinals.  He celebrated his ordination by jumping from a plan at 14,000 feet and enjoys watching his youngest daughter play competitive softball.

David Leighton

VP of Diocesan Relations

Role: I oversee portfolio implementation and handle the daily trading operations with our business partners. I also play a key role in developing marketing materials for our advisors and end users. Additionally, I offer financial planning support to our Arimathea clients, which includes parishes, associated financial advisors, and laypeople across the country.

Background: Since 2006, I have worked in financial services as a financial advisor, professional portfolio trader, and project manager for a Fortune 500 company. In 2018, I implemented a sales strategy that transformed a struggling financial planning firm, driving a 40% annual profit increase for three consecutive years.

Favorite saint: I have a special devotion to both the Blessed Virgin, Saint Mary Magdalen and to Saint Padre Pio.

Other passions: I’m all about the outdoors! Whether it’s exercising with my two energetic Braque Francais pups, going on a family hunting or fishing adventure, or hitting the slopes for weekend skiing with the crew, I’m in. And when summer rolls around, you’ll find me cruising on long, scenic bike rides.

Clint Sorensen, CFA®, CMT®

Chief Investment Officer

Mr. Sorenson is the Co-Founder of WealthShield, LLC, and focuses on innovative strategies for enhancing and accelerating the traditional investment landscape. He has developed several proprietary quantitative strategies that combine behavioral, fundamental and technical analysis for a truly holistic market view.

His work is diverse and broad-reaching as he oversees the development and maintenance of all asset allocation models for WealthShield. The purpose of his strategies is to equip advisors to successfully mitigate risk while attempting to maximize value over the long term.

Mr. Sorenson is also a contributor to industry literature, providing content and insights to platforms including Forbes, Seeking Alpha, several podcasts, and has co-authored the book, Invest to Prosper. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is a past President of the Chartered Financial Analyst (“CFA”) Society North Carolina, as well as a former board member of the Chartered Market Technician (“CMT”) Association

St. Joseph of Arimathea's Story

Taking courage

Told in all four gospels, the story of Joseph of Arimathea tells of a wealthy man that uses his wealth and donates his very own tomb for Jesus Christ.

According to the Gospels, Jesus was arrested and condemned for blasphemy as the Sanhedrin, an elite council of priestly and lay elders saw him as a threat against the temple. His punishment was death by crucifixion, a horrific and degrading execution that, in those times, would not permit him to be buried in a traditional cemetery as it was considered unclean.

As a faithful disciple, in the ultimate act of belief and sacrifice, Joseph intervened and decided to donate his very own family tomb to honor and revere Jesus with a final resting place and burial fit for the King of Kings. As a result of this benevolent act of belief, he forfeited his right to use the family tomb forever and would need to carve a new tomb for him and his family.

Three days after his death, Jesus was resurrected. In the end, there was no need for Joseph to make plans for a new tomb because the tomb that held Jesus was empty. What Joseph had given and sacrificed was returned to him along with peace and joy in following Jesus. Most importantly, he also received the promise of eternal life.

Choosing Arimathea was a natural fit for our process name because the story of Joseph demonstrates one faithful believer’s major act of moral responsibility to God. In choosing Arimathea, you are taking one step along that same path aspires to support companies that remain committed to the moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church. 

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of Arimathea prayer card


There are a lot of reasons I chose to work with Arimathea. In short, their knowledgeable and helpful team creates portfolios that truly align with our Catholic faith... 

Phillip F.

Now there was a man named Joseph, from the Jewish town of Arimathea. He was a member of the council, a good and righteous man, who had not consented to their decision and action; and he was looking for the kingdom of God.

Luke 23:50-51

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